Subsidy for the Purchase of Fiber-reinforced Plastic (FRP)Catamaran/ Vallam/ Wooden Nava/ Marine Plywood Canoe With Nets

Boost the success of your fishing endeavor! Examine the incentives offered by the Indian government for the purchase of fishing nets, marine plywood canoes, wooden navas, vallams, and FRP catamarans.


A sub-component of the umbrella scheme “Financial Assistance for Availing Subsidy Components for the Development of Marine Fisheries” is the “Subsidy for the Purchase of Fiber-reinforced Plastic Cattamaran/ Vallam/ Wooden Nava/ Marine Plywood Canoe With Nets” run by the Puducherry government’s Department of Fisheries and Fishermen Welfare. By providing fisherman with subsidies to purchase fiber-reinforced plastic vallams with nets, the initiative aims to increase the production of marine fish.

The Indian government, recognizing the significance of marine fisheries for the nation’s economy and food security, offers financial assistance programs to empower fishers.  One such initiative falls under the “Financial Assistance for Availing Subsidy Components for the Development of Marine Fisheries.” This program provides subsidies for the purchase of fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP) catamarans, vallams, wooden navas, and marine plywood canoes, along with fishing nets

Improving Fishing Productivity and Earnings

Through funding these essential fishing boats and gear, the initiative hopes to:

  • Modernize Fishing Fleets: Compared to traditional wooden ships, Fiber-reinforced Plastic (FRP) catamarans offer improved stability, capacity, and operational range.
  • Boost Safety at Sea: Fishing operations are made safer for fishermen by the improved navigation and weather-resilience of modern vessels.
  • Boost Fish Catch: Fishermen may go farther offshore with larger, more sophisticated vessels, giving them access to broader fishing grounds and possibly higher catches.
  • Cut Operational Costs: Compared to conventional wooden boats, fuel-efficient FRP catamarans can drastically reduce operating costs.
  • Enhance Livelihoods: Fishermen and their families benefit from higher earnings and better livelihoods as a result of increased fish catches and decreased operating costs.

kinds of vessels that fall under the subsidy program

  • The following categories of fishing vessels are eligible for subsidies under the program:
  • Fiber-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Catamarans: Compared to conventional wooden boats, these contemporary watercraft offer more stability, a greater load capacity, and improved fuel efficiency.
  • Vallams: Customary wooden boats that are extensively utilized for fishing in coastal areas.
  • Wooden Navas: During deep-sea fishing operations, these are larger wooden boats.
  • Canoes made of marine plywood are lightweight, nimble, and perfect for fishing in backwaters and shallow seas.

Benefits of Subsidy for the Purchase of Fiber-reinforced Plastic (FRP) Catamaran

  • 50% subsidy, up to ₹50,000 per unit, for marine plywood canoes with nets and fiber-reinforced plastic catamaran; this subsidy is tied to the borrow portion from the National Co-operative Development Corporation or bank.
  • 50% subsidy, up to ₹1,00,000 per unit, for fiber-reinforced plastic valves with nets; this is contingent upon the use of personal funds or a loan component from a bank or National Co-operative Development Corporation.
  • 50% subsidy, up to ₹40,000 per unit, for wooden navas with net connected to a loan component from a bank or the National Co-operative Development Corporation or own finance.
  • Purchase of an inland catamaran with nets will receive a 50% subsidy up to ₹5,000 per unit (unit cost ₹10,000).

*The government may occasionally set the rate of subsidy. 

Eligibility for Subsidy for the Purchase of Fiber-reinforced Plastic (FRP) Catamaran

  • The applicant should either belong to the fishermen community or be one of those professionally engaged in fishing/fish trade occupation on a full-time basis/prospective entrepreneurs.
  • The applicant must have resided in the Union territory of Puducherry for a continuous period of not less than five years at the time of applying for extending subsidies/ grants.
  • The applicant must have been enrolled as a member of the Fishermen Co-operative Society and be above the age of 23 years and below 60 years.
  • The applicant must not have been a recipient of Old Age Pension, issued by the department.
  • The applicant should not be employed in Government/ Government Undertakings/Fishermen Co-operative Society.
  • The applicant must not have any dues to be paid to the Department/Fishermen Co-operative Societies at the time of making the application.
  • In the case of male applicants, they should possess sea fishing experience in any mechanized or motorized/non-motorized traditional crafts for a minimum period of 5 years, issued by the owners.
  • In the case of women applicants, they should possess five years of fish trade experience issued by the Village Panchayat concerned.
  • The applicant should be ready to deposit 50% of the cost of craft and net with the Federation/Marketing Union/the Fishermen Co-operative Societies as per the norms/pattern of assistance modified from time to time.

Application Process


Step 1: The interested party should go to the Department of Fisheries and Fishermen Welfare Office or Sub-Office.

Step 1: The interested party should contact the relevant authority to get a hard copy of the application form in the format specified.

Step 2: Complete the application form by filling in all the needed fields, attaching copies of all the required documents (self-attest if necessary), and pasting the passport-sized photo (signed across, if required).

Step 3: Send the application form, properly completed and signed, and the necessary paperwork to the relevant authority.

Step 4: Ask the relevant authority, to whom the application has been filed, for a receipt or acknowledgement. Make sure the receipt has all the pertinent information, including the submission date and time as well as a unique identification number (if applicable).

Documents Required

  • Passport Sized Photograph.
  • Aadhaar Card.
  • Election Photo Identity Card (for Proof of Identity).
  • Ration Card (for Proof of Address).
  • Birth Certificate (for Proof of Age).
  • Membership Certificate from the President/Administrator of Fishermen/Fisherwoman Co-operative Society (in the case of fishermen).
  • Document attesting full-time engagement in fishing or fish trade occupation (in the case of Fish Traders).
  • Residence Certificate indicating a continuous period of not less than five years in the Union territory of Puducherry (from Deputy Tahsildar of the Area of Residence).
  • Enrollment certificate as a member of the Fishermen Co-operative Society.
  • Declaration of not being a recipient of Old Age Pension.
  • Declaration of not being employed in Government/Government Undertakings/Fishermen Co-operative Society.
  • Declaration certifying that the applicant has no outstanding dues to the Department/Fishermen Co-operative Societies at the time of application.
  • Proof of Sea Fishing Experience (for male applicants).
  • Proof of Fishing Trade Experience, issued by the Village Panchayat (for female applicants).
  • Loan Sanction Orders/Acceptance for Loan Sanction from the Bank/National Co-operative Development Corporation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the program’s maximum amount of subsidy?

Depending on the kind and size of the vessel being purchased, the amount of the subsidy may change. For the most recent rates of subsidies, it is recommended that you contact your local Department of Fisheries.

Which kinds of fishing nets are eligible for the subsidy?

There may be differences in the precise kinds of fishing nets covered by the subsidy scheme. To learn more, get in touch with the Department of Fisheries in your area.

I want to buy an old boat; can I still get the subsidy?

Usually, the program’s main objective is to finance the acquisition of new fishing boats.

What are the terms of repayment for the grant?

Under certain plans, a partial subsidy with payback terms may be included, but in other cases, the subsidy may be given as a grant. Verify the information with the Department of Fisheries in your area.

In summary

The government of India’s net and vessel subsidy program is a commendable initiative that enables fishermen to upgrade their fleets, increase productivity, and better their standard of living. Fishermen may guarantee a sustainable future for this important business and make a substantial contribution to India’s marine fisheries sector by utilizing this program.

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