POSHAN Maah 2024

POSHAN Maah 2024 is the annual program that is observed throughout the country and lots of people participate in it to support nutritional security in the country. More details about the basic concepts of the event, activities introduced on it, & its role in society.


The Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare dedicates the POSHAN Maah or the National Nutrition Month annually in each September for POSHAN Abhiyaan which is also known as the Prime Minister’s Overarching Scheme for Holistic Nutrition. This means that the POSHAN Maah will be conducted for 7th time in 2024 will be from September 1st to September 30nd to support social cause against malnutrition and create awareness about healthy and prosperous life in the country.

The POSHAN Maah is celebrated at a National and state levels and District level and at the grass root level by the Ministry of women and Child development with the supporting Ministry/department. The goal of this event is to sustain the community engagement and to support people’s involvement in fighting malnutrition in children under five years, women and other populations.

Why is POSHAN MAAH Important?

India experiences malnutrition as one of the main problems such as underweight, the second one being anemia due to micronutrient deficiency and the third one being over-weight. POSHAN MAAH addresses these problems by:POSHAN MAAH addresses these problems by:

Raising of which: It is directed to the purpose of informing the population that the benefits of proper diet choices and the disadvantages of high ill treatment could bring about.

Effectively communicating healthy practices: This program meets the demands of the population regarding the type of a balanced diet that people should consume. It also encourages them to make smart food choices.

Delivering access to nutrition: The aforementioned POSHAN MAAH interventions and coordination activities are focused on increasing the availability of micronutrient food products and targeting the most vulnerable groups of the population such as children, women and pregnant women.

Improvement of health care systems at grass-root level: It enables the establishment of the nutrition-oriented services and products in the health sector

Essential components of POSHAN MAAH 

POSHAN MAAH entails numerous activities and initiatives in India such as :

  • Community outreach : Awareness campaigns, workshops, and health camps in urban and rural areas.
  • School Programming : Nutrition education is being introduced in schools and nutritious meals are for children are made available.
  • Anganwadi centers : Services offered by Anganwadi center (early childhood care centers) have been upgraded to improve child nutrition.
  • Health check-ups : Health check-ups and nutritional screening for malnutrition and related services for overcoming malnutrition have been organized.
  • Nutrition counseling : Nutrition counseling and advice was provided to individuals around nutrition and individuals within their communities. 

Themes of POSHAN Maah 2024

7th POSHAN Maah in 2024 will focus on the following themes –  

  1. Anaemia: Sensitize communities on what causes Anaemia, its prevention and amelioration since anaemia is one of the most common forms of nutritional deficiency in the country.
  2. Growth Monitoring: Inform the communities that they should have periodic growth monitoring of children who attend Anganwadi centres (AWC) through Healthy Child Competition: Balak Swasth Spardha.
  3. Complementary Feeding: Popularise appropriate complementary foods especially among infants and young children as well as exclusive breastfeeding.
  4. Poshan Bhi Padhai Bhi (PBPB): To create visibility and jog the people’s memory about ECCE for improvement of superior and efficient development.
  5. Technology For Better Governance: Make use of available technology, for example the   Poshan Tracker application, to strengthen nutrition systems and improve service delivery.
  6. Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam: Sensitize the community to plant a tree in the name of his or her mother. 

Different activities that were conducted during POSHAN Maah 2024

  1. In relation to nutrition awareness with the community, several activities and campaigns will be held at the national, state, district and village levels in the month. Activities, which should be customized to local contexts, can include:Activities which may have to be centered to the contexts of the respective regions may consist of:
  2.  Outreach Programs: Out reach programmes, awareness creation, identification exercises and camps involving all facets of society.
  3. Home Visits: Supplement nutrition to given ratings/centres and Monthly supervision of Anganwadi centers by Anganwadi Workers and ASHA workers including home visits to the respective working area and home to home nutrition and health counseling.
  4. Swasth Balak Spardha: In a competition held by saving children is public ideas connected to encourage normal routinestep wise check of growth in Anganwadi Centers.
  5. Nutrition Rallies and Walks: Organizing of campaigns such as Rallies, walks and marches with the aim of increasing people’s awareness regarding the importance of nutrition.
  6. Nutrition Exhibitions: Live cookery/baking show area and demonstration area for nutrition facts and facts about local conventional an recipe and a new product which solve the problem of malnutrition.
  7. Nutrition Workshops/Training: FWs; CLs; SHG’s: Organizational Nutrition Education encompasses food models, workshops /training sessions/ webinars/seminars that are carried for the improvement of the group.
  8. Nutrition Pledge: An uncomplicated ‘promise for healthy eating’ of the children in India and thus fighting malnutrition among them.

The Need to popularize POSHAN Maah 2024

  1. Special POSHAN Maah 2024 is one of the biggest pieces of events being organized to tackle the issue of malnutrition in India. It serves as a platform tom to:
  2. Raise Awareness: POSHAN Maah is integrated maternal, newborn, child and adolescent biweekly for advocating the message of nutrition as well as reaching out to the target groups which include Pregnant women, lactating women, and children under 6 years of age.
  3. Promote Healthy Eating Habits: The celebration promotes the consumption of foods that are healthy for human consumption and those foods that are recommended in specific regions to fight malnutrition.
  4. Engage the Community: POSHAN Maah helps in involving public and encourage them to gather together to fight the nutrition problems and the objectives of POSHAN Maah is to establish a mass movement for POSHAN (Nutrition) doubles in the country.
  5. Strengthen Convergence: It brings multi-sectoral stakeholders from national and provincial levels to districts and villages to focus on the goals of nutrition.
  6. Highlight Innovations: Under POSHAN Maah, such practices and models are illustrated and an emphasis is made on implementing such models and expanding their usage.

How Can You Contribute to POSHAN MAAH?

There are many ways to support POSHAN MAAH by:

  1. Adopting healthful eating patterns: Ensure you take balanced diet each time you are eating irrespective of the type of food you are taking.
  2. Educating the community: Go out in the streets and let your family, friends, and the members of the community know about nutrition.
  3. Supporting local initiatives: POS Conference / POSHAN MAAH is an event in which you should attend and actively engage in any existing event in your regions.
  4. Advocating for nutrition: Support calls for nutrition through awareness through activities and nutritionary social networks such as face book or other social platform.


What is POSHAN Abhiyaan?

POSHAN is an abbreviation of ‘Nutritional Support for Health and Improved Nutrition of Children, Adolescent Girls, Pregnant and Breastfeeding Mothers’ which is a major initiative of the Ministry of Women and Child Development in India to combat malnutrition.

In which phase of a woman’s life is POSHAN Maah celebrated?

In the POSHIAN Abhiyaan each year POSHAN Maah is celebrated every September.

Who organises POSHAN Maah?

POSHAN Maah is observed at National, State and Districts levels by the Stated Ministries and Departments including Ministry of Women and Child Development.

What is the theme of POSHAN Maah 2024 ?

Lets discuss the positions for each of the themes for each of the themes for POSHAN Maah 2024: Anaemia, Growth Monitoring, Complementary Feeding, Poshan Bhi Padahi Bhi, Technology for Improved Governance, and Ek Ped Maa Ke Nam.

What are the recommendations for the POSHAN Maah which has been planned for the year 2024?

The community is requested for their participation in POSHAN Maah 2024 through awareness campaigns, Nutrition Rallies and exhibitions, pledge advocate for nutrition and Healthy meal and customary food to community sustenance practices.


The POSHAN Maah 2024 is the highlight of India’s journey to eliminating malnutrition to its very core. The annual event raises awareness on the nutritional status of the country, change people’s eating encounters, and improve convergence activities. Thus, the need to get ready for POSHAN Maah 2024, the civil society should support this call to achieve a healthier and nourished India.

Read More: NPS Vatsalya Scheme 2024

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