PM Vishwakarma Yojana

Launched in September 2023, the PM Vishwakarma Yojana is a game-changer for Indian artisans. Discover the PM Vishwakarma Yojana, a comprehensive scheme launched by the Government of India to support and uplift skilled workers and artisans across the country. This article explores the scheme’s benefits, eligibility, and its impact on empowering traditional craftspeople.

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India boasts a rich tapestry of traditional crafts, passed down through generations. Artisans, the backbone of this heritage, face challenges like limited access to training, technology, and credit. Recognizing this, the Government of India launched the Pradhan Mantri Vishwakarma Yojana (PM VVY) in September 2023. Named after Vishwakarma, the Hindu god of craftsmanship, the scheme aims to empower artisans and revitalize the handicraft sector.

The PM Vishwakarma Yojana is a groundbreaking initiative launched by the Government of India to support and uplift the skilled workers and artisans who form the backbone of the country’s traditional industries. This comprehensive scheme, introduced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on his 73rd birthday on September 17th, 2023, aims to provide financial assistance, skill development training, and access to modern tools and technologies to help these skilled professionals thrive in their respective fields

This article delves into the PM Vishwakarma Yojana, exploring its objectives, benefits, eligibility criteria, and the potential impact on Indian artisans and the handicraft industry.

PM Vishwakarma Yojana Launch Event

The yojana is named after Vishwakarma, the divine architect and engineer in Hindu mythology, and is designed to honor the contributions of skilled craftspeople across India. With an initial budget of 15 crore rupees, the scheme is set to benefit a wide range of traditional trades, including laundry workers, barbers, goldsmiths, bricklayers, and metalworkers, among other

Objectives of the PM Vishwakarma Yojana

The PM VVY has a multifaceted approach to supporting artisans. Here are its key objectives:

  • Enhance Skill Levels: The scheme bridges the skill gap by providing training programs to upgrade traditional knowledge and introduce modern techniques.
  • Facilitate Credit Access: Artisans often struggle to secure loans due to a lack of collateral. The PM VVY offers collateral-free loans to help them expand their businesses.
  • Market Linkages: The scheme aims to connect artisans with domestic and international markets, creating wider reach and better earning opportunities.
  • Recognition and Identity: PM VVY provides artisans with official recognition through certificates and ID cards, boosting their credibility and marketability.

Benefits of the PM Vishwakarma Yojana

The PM VVY offers a comprehensive support system for artisans. Here’s a breakdown of the key benefits:

  • Skill Upgradation: Artisans can avail of basic training (5-7 days) and advanced training programs (15+ days) with a daily stipend of Rs. 500.
  • Toolkit Incentive: To support their work, artisans receive a toolkit incentive of up to Rs. 15,000 in the form of e-vouchers redeemable for necessary equipment.
  • Credit Support: The scheme offers collateral-free “Enterprise Development Loans” of up to Rs. 3 lakh in two tranches. This empowers artisans to invest in raw materials, equipment, and marketing.
  • Recognition and Certification: Artisans receive official recognition through PM Vishwakarma certificates and ID cards, enhancing their professional standing.

Eligibility for the PM Vishwakarma Yojana

The PM VVY targets artisans and craftspeople engaged in 18 specific trades. These include:

  • Blacksmithing
  • Pottery
  • Carpentry
  • Weaving
  • Embroidery
  • Metalwork
  • Sculpture
  • Stone carving
  • and more…

To be eligible, artisans must:

  • Be an Indian citizen.
  • Possess traditional skills and experience in a listed trade.
  • Be above 18 years of age.

The exact eligibility criteria might vary depending on the specific trade and implementing agency. It’s recommended to contact the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) or local authorities for the latest details.

How to Apply for PM Vishwakarma Yojana

The application process for the PM Vishwakarma Yojana is designed to be user-friendly and accessible. Interested applicants can follow these simple steps to apply online:

1. Visit the Official Website (if available):

There seems to be some discrepancy regarding the official website for PM Vishwakarmayojana applications. While some sources mention, the website itself currently doesn’t have an application section.

2. Check for CSC Login:

Some resources suggest using the CSC portal for registration. CSC stands for Common Service Centres, a network of digital facilitation points in rural areas. If you’re applying through a CSC, they might handle the registration process for you.

Here’s a possible step-by-step process based on available information (be aware this might not be the official process):

  • Through a CSC:
    • Visit a CSC in your area.
    • Inform them you want to register for PM Vishwakarmayojana.
    • The CSC operator might use the CSC portal to access your E-Shram data (assuming you’re registered on E-Shram) and initiate the registration process for you.
    • You’ll likely need to provide your Aadhaar card and other relevant details.

3. Alternatively, look for official government channels:

Since there’s some uncertainty about the application process, it’s wise to explore other official channels for information:

  • Government department websites: Look for the website of the Ministry of MSME (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) or the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship on the Indian government website ( These departments might be involved with the scheme and have application details.
  • Government helplines: Consider calling a government helpline for information on PM Vishwakarmayojana applications.

Here are some additional tips:

  • Keep your Aadhaar card and other relevant documents handy (proof of occupation, bank details, etc.).
  • Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria (usually 18 years or above, involved in traditional crafts, self-employed).
  • Be patient, as the official process might still be under development.

Remember, the information above is based on what’s available online. For the most up-to-date and accurate application process, consult official government sources

To check the status of their application, applicants can follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official website of the PM Vishwakarma Yojana
  2. Navigate to the “Check Application Status” section
  3. Enter the required details, such as application number or registered mobile number
  4. Click on the submit button to view the current status of the application

Required documents

To apply for the PM Vishwakarma Yojana, the following documents are required:

  • Aadhaar Card: Mandatory for identity verification
  • Voter ID Card: Proof of identity
  • Proof of Occupation: Documents demonstrating engagement in one of the 18 traditional trades covered under the scheme
  • Mobile Number: Required for communication purposes
  • Bank Account Details: Necessary for receiving financial assistance and benefits
  • Income Certificate: To determine eligibility based on income criteria
  • Caste Certificate (if applicable): For applicants belonging to specific castes
  • Passport Size Color Photograph: For identification purposes

It is important to ensure that all documents are up-to-date and accurate before applying for the scheme to avoid any issues during the application process

What types of work-related documents are accepted?

the following work-related documents may be accepted for the PM Vishwakarma Yojana:

  • Proof of Occupation: Documents demonstrating engagement in one of the 18 traditional trades covered under the scheme, such as carpenter, blacksmith, goldsmith, potter, cobbler, mason, etc.
  • Business Documents: If you are running your own business, it is very important to have documents related to your business before applying for the scheme

However, the search results do not provide specific details on what exact documents are required to prove occupation or business ownership. The government has not yet released official information on the specific work-related documents needed.

In general, any documents that can demonstrate the applicant’s engagement in one of the covered traditional trades or their own business in those trades would likely be accepted. This could include licenses, permits, invoices, contracts, or other paperwork related to their work.

It is recommended to check the official government website or contact the relevant authorities for the most up-to-date and authoritative information on the specific work-related documents required for the PM Vishwakarma Yojana application.

Impact of the PM Vishwakarma Yojana

The PM VVY has the potential to significantly impact Indian artisans and the handicraft industry. Here’s how:

  • Empowering Artisans: By providing skill development, financial assistance, and market linkages, the scheme empowers artisans to become self-sufficient entrepreneurs.
  • Preserving Heritage: The focus on traditional skills ensures the preservation of India’s rich heritage of crafts and keeps these art forms alive.
  • Boosting Incomes: Improved skills, access to credit, and wider market reach can lead to increased income opportunities for artisans.
  • Revitalizing the Handicraft Industry: The empowered artisans can contribute to a more vibrant handicraft industry, creating more jobs and generating revenue.

How will the scheme impact the overall GDP growth?

The PM Vishwakarma Yojana has the potential to significantly contribute to India’s GDP growth by empowering traditional artisans and craftspeople. Here’s how the scheme can impact overall GDP growth:

Boosting the Handicraft Sector

The handicraft sector in India is a significant contributor to the economy, earning valuable foreign exchange exceeding INR 30,000 crore in 2022-23 through exports. By providing financial assistance, skill development training, and access to modern tools and technologies, the PM Vishwakarma Yojana can help artisans improve the quality and competitiveness of their products. This can lead to increased domestic and international demand for Indian handicrafts, boosting exports and generating additional revenue for the country.

Generating Employment and Income

The scheme aims to reach and bring prosperity to 30 lakh families over five years. By enabling artisans to establish or expand their businesses, PM Vishwakarma Yojana can create new jobs and generate additional income for these skilled professionals and their families. This can contribute to reducing poverty and improving the overall standard of living, particularly in rural and remote areas where many traditional artisans reside. Increased employment and income can lead to higher consumer spending, which can further stimulate economic growth.

Promoting Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The yojana encourages artisans to adopt modern technologies and techniques, fostering innovation in traditional crafts. By providing collateral-free loans and access to credit support, the scheme empowers artisans to invest in upgrading their skills and equipment, leading to improved productivity and quality of their products. This can help artisans become more competitive in the market and explore new business opportunities, promoting entrepreneurship and contributing to economic growth.

Integrating Artisans into Domestic and Global Value Chains

The PM Vishwakarma Yojana aims to integrate traditional artisans into domestic and global value chains. By providing marketing support, including quality certification, branding, and onboarding on e-commerce platforms, the scheme can help artisans reach wider markets and expand their customer base. This can lead to increased sales and revenue, contributing to the overall growth of the Indian economy.

Preserving India’s Cultural Heritage

The handicraft sector is closely linked to India’s rich cultural heritage, with intricate creations preserving the country’s artistic past. By supporting traditional artisans and craftspeople, the PM Vishwakarma Yojana can help preserve this heritage for future generations. A strong cultural heritage can attract tourists and promote cultural exchange, generating additional revenue for the economy.

While the PM Vishwakarma Yojana has the potential to significantly contribute to India’s GDP growth, its success will depend on effective implementation and ensuring that the benefits reach the intended beneficiaries. By addressing the underlying challenges faced by traditional artisans and promoting their products in both domestic and international markets, the scheme can play a crucial role in empowering artisans, preserving India’s cultural heritage, and contributing to the country’s overall economic development.

What are the projected long-term economic impacts of the Viswakarma scheme?

The PM Vishwakarma scheme, aimed at empowering India’s artisans (Vishwakarma), has the potential for significant long-term economic benefits, including:

  • Increased income and employment generation: By improving skills, access to markets, and the quality of products, the scheme can help artisans earn more and create more jobs in the handicraft sector. This can lead to a reduction in poverty and improved livelihoods for millions, especially in rural areas.
  • Boost to the textile sector: A thriving artisan economy can significantly contribute to the sustainable growth of the textile industry, a major source of employment in India.
  • Greater social inclusion: The scheme specifically targets marginalized communities like Dalits, tribals, and backward castes who are heavily represented among artisans. By enhancing their economic participation, the scheme promotes social inclusion and financial empowerment.
  • Preservation of cultural heritage: Traditional crafts and skills passed down through generations are crucial aspects of India’s cultural identity. The Vishwakarma scheme can help ensure the survival and flourishing of these art forms.
  • Increased export earnings: By improving the design, quality, and marketability of handicraft products, the scheme can lead to increased exports and valuable foreign exchange earnings for India.

These factors combined can contribute to the long-term economic growth and development of India, particularly in rural regions.

What sectors are expected to benefit the most from the Vishwakarma scheme?

The Vishwakarma scheme targets a wide range of artisans, so several sectors are expected to benefit. Here’s a breakdown of the most likely beneficiaries:

  • Handicrafts: This is the most direct beneficiary. The scheme encompasses a broad range of crafts, including carpentry, pottery, blacksmithing, weaving, doll-making, and stone carving. By providing skill development, credit access, and market linkages, the scheme can revitalize these traditional crafts and enhance their economic viability.
  • Textiles: India has a rich textile heritage, and many artisans under the Vishwakarma scheme are involved in textile production, such as weavers, tailors, and embroidery workers. The scheme’s focus on improved quality and design can significantly benefit the textile sector, making it more competitive in domestic and international markets.
  • Construction and allied industries: Carpenters, masons, and blacksmiths form a crucial part of the construction industry and its allied sectors. By enhancing their skills and providing access to better tools, the scheme can improve their productivity and contribute to the overall growth of these sectors.
  • Rural economy: A large portion of the artisans under the Vishwakarma scheme reside in rural areas. The economic upliftment of these artisans will lead to increased rural incomes, boosting the demand for local goods and services, and contributing to the overall development of the rural economy.

While these sectors are most likely to see a direct impact, the positive effects of the scheme can have a ripple effect across the economy. Increased consumer spending by empowered artisans and the growth of handicraft exports can benefit various sectors that provide raw materials, logistics, and marketing services.

How will the Vishwakarma scheme affect the competitiveness of artisans in the market?

The Vishwakarma scheme has the potential to significantly improve the competitiveness of artisans in the market by addressing several key challenges they face. Here’s how:

Enhanced Skills and Product Quality:

  • Skill Development: The scheme offers training programs to upgrade traditional skills and equip artisans with modern design techniques and quality control practices. This allows them to create products that are more appealing and meet consumer expectations.
  • Improved Design and Innovation: Training in design thinking and product development can help artisans adapt their products to changing market trends and customer preferences. This can lead to a wider variety of innovative and contemporary products that stand out from mass-produced alternatives.

Better Market Access and Visibility:

  • Market Linkages: The scheme aims to connect artisans with potential buyers through online platforms, exhibitions, and trade fairs. This provides them with access to a wider customer base beyond local markets and eliminates dependence on middlemen.
  • Branding and Marketing Support: Training in branding and marketing can empower artisans to effectively present their products and stories to potential customers. This allows them to command better prices and build a loyal customer base.

Financial Empowerment:

  • Access to Credit: The scheme may provide access to easier credit facilities for artisans. This allows them to invest in better raw materials, tools, and equipment, leading to improved product quality and efficiency.
  • Reduced Dependence on Middlemen: By facilitating direct access to markets, the scheme can help artisans bypass middlemen who often take a significant cut of their profits. This allows them to retain a larger share of the profits and reinvest in their businesses.

Overall Impact:

  • Increased Efficiency and Productivity: Skill development and access to better tools can lead to increased production efficiency and higher output. This allows artisans to meet larger orders and compete more effectively with mass-produced goods.
  • Stronger Brand Identity: By focusing on the unique heritage and craftsmanship behind their products, artisans can create a strong brand identity that resonates with discerning consumers.

Challenges to Consider:

It’s important to note that the success of the scheme in enhancing competitiveness will depend on its effective implementation. Challenges include ensuring proper training reaches remote areas, efficient market linkages, and overcoming any initial resistance to adopt new methods.

Overall, the Vishwakarma scheme has the potential to empower artisans, elevate the quality and marketability of their products, and make them more competitive in the marketplace.

What role does the Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises play in the Vishwakarma scheme’s success?

The Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) plays a crucial role in the success of the Vishwakarma scheme. Here’s how their involvement is critical:

Scheme Design and Implementation:

  • Oversight and Framework: The MSME is responsible for designing the overall framework of the scheme, setting eligibility criteria, and outlining the benefits offered to artisans.
  • Policy and Guidelines: They develop clear policies and guidelines for the scheme’s implementation, ensuring smooth operation and efficient delivery of benefits to targeted beneficiaries.
  • Budgetary Allocation and Monitoring: The MSME allocates budget resources for the scheme and monitors its progress to ensure it achieves its objectives within the allocated budget.

Collaboration and Partnerships:

  • Stakeholder Engagement: The MSME works collaboratively with state governments, industry bodies, training institutions, and NGOs to ensure effective implementation across the country.
  • Skilling and Training: They might partner with training institutions and experts to develop and deliver skill development programs for artisans under the scheme.
  • Market Linkages: The MSME could collaborate with e-commerce platforms, handicraft cooperatives, and export promotion agencies to establish robust market linkages for artisans.

Support and Facilitation:

  • Creating Awareness: The MSME plays a key role in raising awareness about the scheme among artisans and ensuring they understand the application process and the benefits available.
  • Facilitating Access to Credit: They might work with banks and financial institutions to streamline loan applications and approvals for artisans seeking credit under the scheme.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation: The MSME is responsible for monitoring the scheme’s progress, identifying challenges, and making necessary adjustments to improve its effectiveness and reach.

How will the Viswakarma scheme affect the competitiveness of artisans in the market?

The Viswakarma scheme has the potential to significantly boost the competitiveness of artisans in the market by addressing several key challenges they face. Here’s a breakdown of how the scheme can empower them:

Enhancing Skills and Product Quality:

  • Skill Development: The scheme offers training programs to upgrade traditional skills and equip artisans with modern design techniques and quality control practices. This allows them to create products that are more appealing, durable, and meet consumer expectations.
  • Improved Design and Innovation: Training in design thinking and product development can help artisans adapt their products to changing market trends and customer preferences. This can lead to a wider variety of innovative and contemporary products that stand out from mass-produced alternatives.

Better Market Access and Visibility:

  • Market Linkages: The scheme aims to connect artisans with potential buyers through online platforms, exhibitions, and trade fairs. This provides them with access to a wider customer base beyond local markets and eliminates dependence on middlemen who often take a cut of their profits.
  • Branding and Marketing Support: Training in branding and marketing can empower artisans to effectively present their products and stories to potential customers. This allows them to build a strong brand identity, command better prices, and attract a loyal customer base.

Financial Empowerment:

  • Access to Credit: The scheme may provide access to easier credit facilities for artisans. This allows them to invest in better raw materials, tools, and equipment, leading to improved product quality and efficiency.
  • Reduced Dependence on Middlemen: By facilitating direct access to markets, the scheme can help artisans bypass middlemen. This allows them to retain a larger share of the profits and reinvest in their businesses.

Overall Impact:

  • Increased Efficiency and Productivity: Skill development and access to better tools can lead to increased production efficiency and higher output. This allows artisans to meet larger orders and compete more effectively with mass-produced goods.
  • Stronger Brand Identity: By focusing on the unique heritage and craftsmanship behind their products, artisans can create a strong brand identity that resonates with discerning consumers who value authenticity and quality.

How will the Viswakarma scheme enhance the skills of artisans?

The Viswakarma scheme aims to enhance the skills of artisans through a multi-pronged approach that combines traditional knowledge with modern practices. Here’s a breakdown of how the scheme can empower them:

Skill Development Programs:

  • Training Modules: The scheme offers structured training programs designed to upgrade existing skills and introduce new techniques relevant to the specific craft. This can include areas like:
    • Advanced techniques: Training on using new tools and machinery to improve efficiency and product quality.
    • Design and Innovation: Workshops on product design, market research, and incorporating contemporary trends into traditional crafts.
    • Quality Control: Learning quality control measures to ensure products meet industry standards and customer expectations.
  • Targetted Training: The programs are likely to be tailored to the specific needs of different artisan communities, focusing on the skills most relevant to their crafts.

Trainers and Expertise:

  • Experienced Trainers: The scheme may involve qualified trainers with expertise in traditional crafts as well as modern design principles and business practices.
  • Mentorship Programs: Mentorship from established artisans or industry professionals can provide valuable guidance and support to trainees.

Focus on Both Theory and Practice:

  • Classroom Learning: Training programs might include classroom sessions to teach theoretical knowledge and design principles.
  • Hands-on Workshops: A crucial aspect will be practical workshops where artisans can learn new techniques and apply them under the guidance of trainers.

Additional Resources:

  • Learning Materials: The scheme might provide access to learning materials, such as manuals, tutorials, or online resources for further learning and skill development

What kind of financial support is available under the scheme?

the PM Vishwakarma Yojana offers the following types of financial support:

Credit Support

The scheme facilitates collateral-free ‘Enterprise Development Loans’ of up to Rs. 3 lakh in two tranches:

  • First tranche of Rs. 1 lakh with a tenure of 18 months
  • Second tranche of Rs. 2 lakh with a tenure of 30 months

These loans are provided at a concessional rate of interest fixed at 5%, with the Government of India providing subvention to the extent of 8%.

Beneficiaries who have completed basic training will be eligible for the first tranche of credit support of up to Rs. 1 lakh. The second loan tranche will be available to beneficiaries who have availed the first tranche, maintained a standard loan account, and have either adopted digital transactions in their business or undergone advanced training.

Incentive for Digital Transactions

The scheme provides an incentive of Re 1 per eligible digital transaction, up to a maximum of 100 eligible transactions per month, to the beneficiary for digital payout or receipt.

Marketing Support

The National Committee for Marketing (NCM) provides marketing support in the form of quality certification, branding, onboarding on e-commerce platforms such as GeM, advertising, publicity, and other marketing activities to improve linkage to the value chain.

The financial outlay for the PM Vishwakarma Yojana from FY 2023-2024 to FY 2027-28 is Rs. 13,000 crore

Implementation of the PM Vishwakarma Yojana

The PM VVY is a Central Sector Scheme implemented by the Ministry of MSME. The government collaborates with various agencies, including:

  • State MSME departments
  • Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC)
  • Industry associations
  • Training institutions

These agencies identify eligible artisans, conduct training programs, and facilitate loan applications.


The PM Vishwakarma Yojana is a significant step towards empowering India’s skilled workforce and preserving the country’s rich cultural heritage. By providing financial assistance, skill development training, and access to modern tools and technologies, the scheme aims to help traditional artisans and craftspeople thrive in their respective fields. The scheme’s focus on rural and remote areas ensures that the benefits reach those who need it the most, contributing to the overall development and prosperity of the nation.

As the scheme continues to evolve and expand, eligible applicants must stay informed about the latest updates and apply for the benefits they are entitled to. By working together and leveraging the opportunities provided by PM Vishwakarma Yojana, we can create a brighter future for India’s skilled workforce and contribute to the country’s economic growth and social well-being.


What is the PM Vishwakarma Yojana?

The PM Vishwakarma Yojana is a government initiative launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on September 17th, 2023, to provide financial assistance, skill development training, and access to modern tools and technologies to skilled workers and artisans engaged in traditional trades.

Who is eligible for the PM Vishwakarma Yojana?

To be eligible for the scheme, applicants must be engaged in one of the 18 traditional trades covered under the yojana, primarily located in rural and remote areas.

How can I apply for the PM Vishwakarma Yojana?

To apply for the yojana, visit the official website, navigate to the registration section, fill out the application form with the required details, upload the necessary documents, and submit the application.

How can I check the status of my PM Vishwakarma Yojana application?

To check the status of your application, visit the official website, navigate to the “Check Application Status” section, enter the required details, and click Submit to view the current status of your application.

What are the benefits offered under the PM Vishwakarma Yojana?

The benefits offered under the yojana include financial assistance, access to credit support, training, and skill development programs, guidance on adopting new techniques and technologies, and exposure to modern tools and equipment

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