PM Internship Scheme 2024

The PM Internship Scheme has the vision to place one crore youth to gain work exposure in best organizations. Discover what it takes to do this groundbreaking programme and how it can help.


Today Indian stands on the verge of acquiring demographic dividend due to increasing young generation population in the country. To tap this potential the Government has started the PM Internship Scheme which is an ambitious step to offer internship to one crore youths in premier organisations in the country. This article goes further to explain goal and criteria of the scheme, what is offered to the beneficiaries, and the process of applying, giving a glimpse on how it can transform youths in India.

A general knowledge about the PM Internship Scheme 2024.

The PM Internship Scheme which was launched during Union Budget 2024 talks of an internship for one crore youth to be trained in the next five years through internships with 500 of the best companies in fields of their choice. The estimated amount which interns would be paid include; a monthly allowance of ₹ 5000, and a lump sum of ₹ 6000 for miscellaneous. This programme aims at promoting employability and to demystify the existing mismatch between the education system and the working world.

Aim of the PM Internship Scheme

  • Skill Development: Therefore, to improve the marketability of young graduates to the job market by giving them relevant working experience.
  • Job Creation: To establish an adequate number of skilled professionals in corporate world that may result into employment for the needy.
  • Economic Growth: To play a role in the development of Indian economy by helping in the creation of job-oriented professionals.
  • Social Inclusion: So that youth from different demography including rural and poor strata of the society should get chances.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Be an Indian citizen.
  • Be have a bachelor’ degree or any other qualification of equivalent standard.
  • Be of 18 – 29 years.
  • Not be employed in any occupation or industry at the time of the application.
  • Satisfy any other prerequisite as required in the scheme that maybe put in place.

Benefits of the PM Internship Scheme

  • Stipend: Interns will have to pay some amount of money for their living expenses; therefore, they will be paid a monthly allowance.
  • Industry Exposure: Gather practical working experience in a given organization they are working for and establish a good portfolio of contacts.
  • Skill Enhancement: Improve interpersonal skills, technical skills and employability skills especially communication skills, conflict solving skills, punctuality skills and teamwork skills.
  • Career Advancement: Jobs availability and quality should be enhanced in order to improve on the chances of employment after completion of the internship.
  • Personal Growth: Promote confidence, self- reliance and personal development from the internship practice.

Application Process

The application process for the PM Internship Scheme is likely to be conducted online through a dedicated portal. The following steps outline the general application procedure:  

  • Register: Create an account on the official scheme portal
  • Profile Creation: Provide personal and academic details, including educational qualifications, work experience (if any), and contact information.
  • Internship Preference: Indicate preferred sectors, companies, or job roles for the internship.
  • Document Upload: Submit required documents such as educational certificates, identity proof, and recent passport-sized photographs.
  • Application Submission: Review the application carefully and submit it online.

Role of Companies

While the PM Internship Scheme has witnessed a massive scale in following years including the participation of many companies, the result of which depends primarily on the involvement of these companies. Participating companies will benefit from:

  • Access to Talent: Pick top and qualify employees from a sea full of competent interns.
  • Cost-Effective Talent Acquisition: Minimize on the recruitment costs with the cooperation of the internships program.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: Develop the young talent and also ensure that all the social responsibilities of the corporate world are met.
  • Innovation and Productivity: Get a new learning from interns since they are likely to bring in new ideas.

Internship Duration and Stipend

The PM Internship Scheme 2024 internships can be between 4 to 12 weeks depending on the need of the organization which is hosting the intern. Participants will be paid a monthly stipend for taking up internships, which will cater for their expenses so as to allow them to devote time to learning.

The level of the stipend will depend upon the place of internship and the field of activity, the intern will be engaged in; interns placed in metropolitan cities or in the field that requires specific qualification, will be offered higher stipends. There is a large budget to ensure that the paid stipend is decent enough and attractive to the young talents by the government.

Comparison with Other Internship Programs

1. Scale and Reach

  • PM Internship Scheme 2024: Covers one crore youths which actually makes it one of the biggest internships in India. This excludes a large number of sectors and positions that are available in 500 leading companies thus guaranteeing the possible variety of internships.
  • Other Programs: Indeed, various internship programs in India are available through sites such as Internshala and LinkedIn, but they offer opportunities usually for limited people. For instance, Internshala has many opportunities for internships, but it lacks support from the government it is not established funded.

2. Stipend and Financial Support

  • PM Internship Scheme 2024; Provides a proper structure of financial remuneration at ₹5000 per month which seems logical for intern’s pocket expense during their period of interning. Even the extra ₹ 6,000 lump-sum payment goes on to supplement this financial help even more.
  • Other Programs: Private internships are usually different in terms of the money that is offered to interns. There are those institutions that offer internships without pay and others may offer pay but the amount being paid is low as compared to the government scheme. For example while some startups today provide up to ₹2,000/- to ₹10,000/- per day many given their size.

3. Eligibility Criteria

  • PM Internship Scheme in 2024 is open to all group of individuals of age between 18-25 years, whether students, school leavers or university leavers etc. This is perhaps one of the most outstanding characteristics of this scheme.
  • Other Programs: Most private internships have requirements that they require the applicants to meet like educational qualification or experience. For instance, some of the programs may only accept students from some particular universities or those who are pursuing certain programs, thus, they exclude a number of potential interns.

4. Government Backing and Structure

  • PM Internship Scheme 2024: Since it is one of the government’s policies, it has a fixed structure and the government has provided a large budget fund. It also provides backing which makes it possible for the program to be sustainable in order to achieve the set goals.
  • Other Programs: That is why private internships are generally much less formal and can sometimes provide interns and mentor figures almost no guidance. They may depend on the financial stability of the offering organization and this makes variation in availability and quality of health products.

5. Skill Development Focus

  • PM Internship Scheme for Year 2024: It emphasizes the training in accordance with the demand of the market. According to what is expected, interns should be equip Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Interns with the skills and experience that real world employment entities can utilize.
  • Other Programs: However, the level of training and mentorship that is offered to interns during private internsh also vary and many may not even offer the aspect all. Others may not allow the user such extended practice or equip them with the real job market setting.

6. Networking Opportunities

  • PM Internship scheme 2024: This will allow the interns to work with senior employers and potential employers in the most important companies which may be helpful to them in future.
  • Other Programs: The networking opportunities that students get to harness when employing the private internship may not always be equal. Some programs may also offer the chance to have a mentor and attend networking events while others may offer almost no interaction with professional of the industry.

How the PM Internship Scheme 2024 Impact the Economy?

The PM Internship Scheme 2024 is poised to significantly impact the Indian economy in several ways:

1. Skill Development and Increased Employability:

  • Talent Pool: In so doing, the scheme ensures that they give practical trainings and experience to the youths and prepares them for employment.
  • Reduced Skill Gap: Serving as a connection between the academic sector and the demands of the business world hence improving the efficiency of the workforce.
  • Enhanced Productivity: The general pool of talent, efficiency and creativity is also another essential factor which Human capital addresses for the achievement of organizational goals.

2. Job Creation and Economic Growth:

  • This will also create more employment opportunities, though indirectly, since the internships do not guarantee a job, but will have prepared the youths to be employable, thereby acting as a stimulus to create more jobs in the long term.
  • Increased Consumption: The employed youths will translate to increased consumption, boosting economic activities.
  • Entrepreneurship: The scheme may encourage some interns to become entrepreneurs, therefore fostering economic growth.

3. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Innovation:

    • Social Values: Fund that are earmarked for CSR, could be utilized for funding the program.
    • Talent Pooling: Companies have access to a new pool of talent that is likely to be less costly to recruit.
    • Innovation: Recent interns could bring fresh ideas and enhance innovation in organizations.

    4. Social Impact and Inclusive Growth

      • Empowering Youth: The initiative empowers youth, particularly youth and young adults who are on the disadvantaged track, by developing special opportunities for youth and young adults.
      • Taking Steps Towards Reducing Youth Unemployment: Is a contributing factor toward reducing youth unemployment among youth and young adults.
      • Inclusive Growth: By reaching a wide array of youth, the initiative is a contributing factor toward inclusive economic growth.

      5. Government Expenditure and Implications for Fiscal Responsibility:

        Government Expenditure: The proposal is one of government expenditure on stipends and administration expenses.

        Long-Term Effects: The long-term effects of a skilled workforce may outweigh costs in the short run.

        Fiscal Responsibility: It is therefore important to carefully budget and monitor expenses for the sustainability of the program.

        Benefits for Companies Participating in the PM Internship Scheme 2024

        The PM Internship Scheme offers several advantages to participating companies:

        1. Access to Emerging Talent:

        Wide talent pool: Businesses can utilize a wide/hr/source of young and keen profesh workers.
        Variety of Skills: Interns bring new insights and varied skills to enhance company culture.

        2. Lower Recruitment Costs:

        Some cost-effective talent; companies can investigate possible employee candidates with an inexpensive/the constraint of a full-time the degree of responsibility required when filling a regular role.
        Talent pool to dip into: Allows company to revisit a pool of internship candidates should the need for long-term employees arise.

        3. Contribution in social responsibility, or corporate social responsibility (CSR):

        Collaborate in claiming social responsibility standards = CSR; very important as companies’ergo center standards would need to comply with.

        Positive Corporate Image-perception of commitment to positive responsibility with youth.Lead to innovation and productivity:
        Generate ideas: Provide new ideas to tackle business, interruptions, solutions.

        4.Increase in overall productivity:

        Out sourcing/intern to handle routine work at least for moderate workplace efficiency, respectively, can lead to an increase in overall productivity by allowing employees to take a more strategic role to engage in projects that have more importance to the overall direction of the organization.

          5. Upskilling and Knowledge Transfer:

          Mentoring Opportunities: Organizations have the ability to mentor and manage young talent, helping to grow the skills landscape in the country.

          Knowledge Transfer: Interns will gain knowledge from experienced professionals, which leads to organization-wide knowledge transfer.

          6. Government Support/Financial Incentives:

          Financial Support: The government offers a degree of funding for the internship program, thus reducing the costs to businesses.

          Policy Support: The program aligns with government priorities, and there may be continued benefits arising from this.

          The benefit to an organization taking worked with PM Internship Scheme is twofold – you receive a skill cohort and you are contributing towards the nation’s youth development.

          Are there any specific companies known for their high participation in the PM Internship Scheme 2024

          The Prime Minister Internship Scheme 2024 aims to generate significant opportunities for youth in India by collaborating with 500 best companies to provide internship experiences to 1 crore people. Though the search results do not explicitly list the companies participating in the scheme, some industry leader and organizations support the internship scheme and are likely to participate.

          Notable Companies Likely to Participate

          1. RPG Group: Supratik Bhattacharyya, Chief Talent Officer at RPG Group, has welcomed the initiative publicly, as it provides an opportunity to engage and empower youth while preparing them to start a career in the industry. This statement significantly suggests that RPG Group may be a primary participant in the newly announced pathway initiative.
          2. TeamLease: Ramesh Alluri Reddy, Chief Executive Officer at TeamLease Degree Apprenticeship has also testified and applauded the new pathway scheme, given TeamLease’s focus on employment and skill development, Reddy will likely participate in some capacity to support intern pathways and opportunities for internships.
          3. KPMG India: As a key player in the consulting and advisory space, KPMG has expressed an interest in the objectives and missions of the educational pathway scheme initiative. Involvement from KPMG as an example can add substantial value, providing insight, thought work, and mentorship to potential interns in the fields of education and skill development.

          Expectations from Companies Involved

          • Industry Diversity: The program will be designed to attract firms from many industries, including technology and finance, manufacturing and services, etc. The program’s industry range will give interns exposure to many professional workplaces.
          • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Commitment: Companies will be expected to ascribe value to their CSR funding to enhance the program through training expenses and intern stipends. It will promote socially responsible organizations while allowing them to benefit from new perspectives in their fields by integrating talented interns.
          • Skill Development Orientation: The companies will be obligated to also provide internship experience that is experiential-based and allows interns to acquire skills relevant to employability.

          Challenges and opportunities

          The PM Internship Scheme has significant potential, but also has a number of challenges. Maintaining quality internships, suitable intern to job fit, and proper mentoring, will determine the success of the scheme. Nevertheless, the scheme also presents unparalleled opportunities for the youth to learn skills, gain experience, and contribute to the economic growth of India.


          The PM Internship Scheme 2024 is a revolutionary program that has the ability to change the future of youth in India. This scheme represents a government commitment to offering internship opportunities to one crore young people, representing an investment in India’s most important resource—its people.

          Through this scheme, the government intends to close the gap between academia and industry by ensuring young people graduate with the skills and experience necessary to succeed in the job market. It also will lay the groundwork for innovation, entrepreneurship, and job creation which will boost the progress of the country.

          As the scheme is rolled out, it is essential that all stakeholders-gov’t, education, industry, and youth work together in the role they can play. There are opportunities for India’s youth in the PM Internship Scheme 2024 to make their fullest potential contribution to India developing into a global superpower.


          Who is eligible for the PM Internship Scheme?

          This scheme accepts Indian citizens aged between 18 and 29 years, with a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification.

          What are the advantages of the scheme?

          Internship enables stipends, industry exposure, development of skills, employability, and social and personal growth.

          How do I apply for the PM Internship Scheme?

          The application process will likely be online through a dedicated portal.

          What is the length of the internship?

          The internship length may vary based on the scheme guidelines.

          Will I acquire a job following an internship?

          There is no guarantee of full-time employment based on the internship. But an internship offers valuable experience to improve job opportunities.

          By investing in youth through instruments like the PM Internship Scheme, India has the potential to build a skilled, empowered workforce able to propel the country forward.

          Read More: Pradhan Mantri Package 2024-25

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