Intensified Mission Indradhanush 3.0

You will get all the information regarding Intensified Mission Indradhanush 3.0 is a government programme which was launched mainly to strengthen the immunization services for all children and to some extent, to offer health related services for all children in India.


Over the last few years, child health and immunization coverage have improved in India but there is still scope for progress and not all communities are adequately served, especially those in the rural areas and other low socioeconomic groups. For tackling these challenges and to provide every child, an access to health care services, the Indian government has recently launched the Intensified Mission Indradhanush 3.0 (IMI 3. 0).

What is Intensified Mission Indradhanush 3.0?

Intensified Mission Indradhanush 3.0 is a health mission that has the aim of attaining full immunization favor amongst children in a 0 to 5 year age group. This mission aims to go around and identify children who have not been immunized so that they can be taken for immunization, those whose immunization expired are also targeted for termly immunization. The principal aims of IMI include a vision to enhance the immunization system with the capability to be responsible and equitable in order to deliver immunization related services to each children.

Some of the main objectives of Intensified Mission Indradhanush 3.0

  • Achieve universal immunization coverage: Confirm that for each and every child you have had completed all rounds in all essential vaccines that prevent vaccine-preventable diseases.
  • Strengthen health systems: Enhance the supportive programmes for the health facilities enhancing immunization efficiency services.
  • Increase access to health services: Expand children and families’ health for improving the availability of the quality health services.
  • Reduce child mortality: The following are the targets to be set: Increase the maximum partnership coverage rate, reduce the abscess rate of adults with the first-level and second-level Communicable Diseases, the infant mortality rate, the child mortality rate, the percentage of children with malnutrition and child mortality from vaccine-preventable disease.

Importance of Intensified Mission Indradhanush 3.0

Intensified Mission Indradhanush 3.0 is important for several reasons:3.0 is important for several reasons:

  • Health security is enhanced for everyone when immunization rates are higher. This is due to the fact that immunizing more people against preventable diseases like polio, smallpox or measles means fewer outbreaks of these epidemics will occur.
  • Support for Sustainable Development Goals: Thus, the program is relevant in achieving India’s sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) on health and well-being.
  • Health System Strengthening: For this reason, during the third period that is the IMI 3, the emphasis has been shifted to the utilization of strategy. it is beneficial to the health system to enhance the immunization related supports and operations.

Achievement of Intensified Mission Indradhanush 3.0

Intensified Mission Indradhanush 3.0 Implementation is charged with two immunization programme rounds in preselected districts in 29 States and Union Territories before it was launched.

All strategic approaches entailed

Community Mobilization: Expectation is on the leaders within the communities, health care officials and volunteers to promote awareness among the communities on the importance of immunization while gathering details of children in the mentioned cohort who did not receive any vaccinations.

Health Camp: Organising provision and accessibility of vaccines through organisation of immunisation centres that is, schools, anganwadis or such places.

Home visits: Very effective in reaching out to those children that cannot be reached using any of the other methods that had been used before.

Digital Support: Optimise elements of immunisation management, communication and monitoring & evaluation through technology.

Human Resource Development:Assist service recipients, with skills, capacity and knowledge that service providers need.

The following are the impacts of Intensified Mission Indradhanush 3. 0

Intensified Mission Indradhanush 3.0– programme, has brought positive results by taking stock of vaccines and administering them to the identified cohort so far, which has helped enhance immunization and therefore impacted positively on child mortality. Therefore, via the provision of immunization, on time, at accessible to families with the mission IMI 3. 0 aims at eradicating diseases in children and nuturing their well being.

Coverage and Achievements

The importance of the third: The IMI – Instrumented Measurement of Innovation is an essential tool in the execution of the EU’s policies of innovation support. 0 ended up in vaccination of over 9.The high value counselled 0 led to the vaccination of figures over 9. 5 lakh children and 2.laq/@ Kuwait… 2 lakh pregnant women. This goes on to show that, regarding immunisation for unimmunisable populations in the context of pandemic, the goals of IMI strategy were met in a successful program.

Challenges and Solutions

While Intensified Mission Indradhanush 3.0 was successful, the program also faces challenges, including:0 was successful, the program also faces challenges, including:

1. Vaccine Resistant – Some groups of people may be resistant to taking vaccines due to a number of causes such as false information they receive. The aim and object of combating fake news, vaccinate hesitance will involve using and building communication strategies, and interacting with communities.

2. Logistics – For getting vaccines which can largely allow for contact of distributed populations, logistics can be a complex issue. To enhance supply chain and cold storage facilities the government has been coming up with various measures.

Future Directions

The government has once again emphasised on its plans to expand the coverage of vaccination through IMI and other health programmes like making an immunisation 1 component of another health programme. Subsequently, it will be pertinent to sustain the monitoring and evaluation exercise to determine cabin immunization deficiencies as well as to enhance the programming strategy.

Key difference between Mission Indradhanush and Intensified Mission Indradhanush 3.0 

Mission Indradhanush and the next version Intensive Mission Indradhanush (IMI) are flagship public health programs in India for increasing immunisation rates especially in children and pregnant women. While they plan to increase immunization coverage, the two educational approaches, take on groups of the population, activities, and broad goals in distinct manners. The fundamental distinction between the two are as folloews:

1. Beginning and Backdrop

  • Mission Indradhanush: Mission Indradhanush was launched in December 2014 having an aim to achieve 90% of UIP coverage by the year 2020. This was very important given that immunization rates were almost stagnant and as a result, all children below the age of two together with pregnant women needed to be immunized as required.
  • Intensified Mission Indradhanush: It was IMI that was the later intervention, which was starting with the IMI 1. The service delivery model – starting from October 2017 aimed at increasing the intensity of Mission Indradhanush intervention in the focus area to focus greater extent in the urban areas in selected districts that are identified under focus districts of IMI as low performers in terms of immunization coverage.

2. Target Population

  • Mission Indradhanush: The original mission was focused primarily on children under the age of two and expected mothers, looking to vaccinate them against all immunizations recommended under the UIP.
  • Intensified Mission Indradhanush:  Although the target populations are the same as Mission Indradhanush, IMI places a greater emphasis on reaching unreached populations, with a particular focus on urban slums, migratory populations, and hard to reach areas. IMI has a stronger focus on continuing to vaccinate individuals who have missed doses, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

3. Implementation Strategy

  • Mission Indradhanush: The mission originally was implemented through routine immunization sessions and outreach activities to mainly create awareness and allow access to vaccines.
  • Intensified Mission Indradhanush:It is therefore evidenced that IMI uses a more formal and systematic process with involvement of inter ministerial cooperation and action based review methods. The broad strategy involves a coordinated process involving national and regional government, Ministry of Women and Child Development, and Ministry of Urban Development to address all children and women and also to check accountability.

4. Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Mission Indradhanush: Majority of the monitoring was done at district level ensuring overall immunization vacuum was checked and mapped.
  • Intensified Mission Indradhanush: IMI has a stronger monitoring system with assessment being done at the district, state and national level. This is mostly managed under the Proactive Governance and Timely Implementation (PRAGATI) platform; therefore, any problems are sensed and solved soon.

5. Coverage Goals

  • Mission Indradhanush: This was to be achieved by increasing full immunization to 90% by the end of the year 2020.
  • Intensified Mission Indradhanush: The IMI on the other hand has similar coverage goals although its focus is nearer term in districts already identified as having low immunization rates. For instance, IMI 3. : 0 particularly focused on 250 districts that were considered vulnerable during the implementation of the programme in the year 2021.

6. Response to COVID-19

  • Mission Indradhanush: However, the original mission was the pre-pandemic mission and it did not take into consideration the COVID-19 mitigation measures.
  • Intensified Mission Indradhanush: The second of the changes is in IMI, especially with the backing of the IMI 3. 0 in February 2021, was specifically directed to clear the backlog in immunization that had been occasioned by pandemic. During this period it targeted children and pregnant women who had not received their immunization.

7. Duration and Rounds

  • Mission Indradhanush: The original mission was an ongoing mission which did not have definite cycles.
  • Intensified Mission Indradhanush: The IMI framework is based on different rounds of the vaccination campaigns which take several days each and cover certain districts so as to include as many of the benefited subjects as possible.


What, therefore, are the advantages of immunization?

Vaccination is important in preventing diseases in children; measles, polio, diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis among them. It is useful in cutting down child mortality, enhancing child health, and halting the spread of diseases within communities.

How often should child learning be vaccinated?

The immunization schedule depends on specific vaccines and age of the child as shown below. The use of vaccines should be in line with the recommended schedule as prescribed by the health care providers.

What are Possible side effects of vaccines?

Aside from the vaccines to flu which can cause discomfort such as redness, swelling or sore feeling at the injection site they are normally of short term and disappear after few days. The side effects are generally mild and minor as compared to the benefits derived from using the said medicine.

Is IMI 3. 0 a government-funded initiative?

Yes, IMI 3. 0 is an organisation that is funded in order to help increase the health of children as well as immunizations of the native population in India


Intensified Mission Indradhanush 3. 0 is very crucial in targeting the objective that no child in India should miss out any essential health services including immunization. Clear strategies that have been implemented include community outreach, health camps and indeed digitally enabled activities have greatly enhanced the mission of the mission in improving child health. That is why, as India develops, IMI 3. 0 will be a key in the process of putting together a better health and prosperity of a nation.

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